No matter what you think, having a mobile-friendly site is hardly a luxury but actually a necessity. This has been made evident by a study conducted by comScore that reveals that mobile usage has exceeded that of desktop usage for the very first time.
If that’s not enough, most mobile users say that they will not return to a particular site if it does not load on their smartphone. And recently, Google said that it would include being mobile-friendly as a factor for search engine ranking.
That said, if you aren’t sure, it’s time to test the site and if it fails, here are two ways to both optimize a website for mobiles:
#1: Creating a Mobile Friendly Version of Your Site
Probably the fastest way to build a mobile-friendly site is to create a mobile version of your desktop site by using a conversion platform such as Duda Mobile and bMobilized. The only problem is that it creates two sites and that means it will be difficult to update both sites at a time. This will frustrate users if they find differences between the desktop and mobile versions.
#2: Utilize Mobile Plugins on CMS Platforms
It goes without saying that Drupal, WordPress and Joomla are the most popular CMS platforms over the internet. What is also true is that they have solutions to ensure that your site is mobile-friendly too. Apart from writing content that is mobile-friendly, it is also a good idea to add features that are used on mobile devices.
In other words, to use mobile plugins such as WPTouch and JetPack for WordPress. As for Joomla, Responsivizer and JoomlaShine while Drupal offers 2 modules such as MobileTheme and ThemeKey.